Fiorese Spa Bassano:
Fiorese Spa Bassano goes on with the organization of meetings between students and players.
All students turn into reporter and talk to their heros for some time. The atmosphere is magic: several issues useful to young people to learn how to live and improve in all their life aspects.
Daniele Desiderio recovered after the injury.

Press office
Bassano Volley
Mauro Sabino

Telecom “Let’s train to live” is an educative project orgnised by Telecom group. The project consists in making a tour in several schools to promote sport and fitness, to underline the value of the play and of corse to offer oportunities.
For further information visit with news, photos, updatings and a$ community area for students.

For further information:
Press office LA FABBRICA – Linda Nozza Tel. 02 / 485411 Fax 02 / 48541208
e-mail: –