Premier Hotels Crema: I blues came back yesterday from the long match away from home played in Isernia. There are no excuses for the loss against Chiovini’s boys.
DG Michele Rota has declared: “It is not easy to explain the difficult moment that the team is going through, because there are so many reasons behing that did create this situation, but despite our reasons there are some facts that start to worry the Club and the team! For Example the last victory away from home is dated November 2006, when we did beat Abasan Bari 3-1.
After that game all the other matches away from home have been lost: no points in Castellana Grotte, Spoleto,Taviano and Isernia and one point against Pineto, Loreto and Modugno: seven matches away from home and seven defeats.
We are also losing matches in just more than one hour and this is not a good sign at all because it shows that the boys are not fighting enogh and give up too easilly.
We will find the way to talk with the boys and with the coach and we will try to find a solution in order to get out from this very difficult situation.
Now there will be two important matches against Cavriago & Bari, both at home. These two matches will be crucial to understand what the future of the championship will be for Crema. We still have good chances and nobody wants to give up now!”.