Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: Nothing to do also against Cavriago. The pride reaction has not arrived yet and even the fact that the team can now play without any kind of pressure is now working out well. Cominetti’s boys lost the game, lost confidence and spirit. This loss makes the situation of the team even worse than what it is already (last positoin with 11 points and, 16 points away from safety). Cavriago handle the match since minute one and lead it until the end of the match, showing a good volleyball and the determination of a team running for salvation. Agnelli did try some reaction but only in third set and without result.

Bergamo starts the match with Olli setter, Gadnik opposite, Finazzi and Burgsthaler middleblockers, Lafit and Ale Boroni spikers and Gelasio libero. Cavriago answers with middleblockers Giumelli – Kirchein, Stagni and Luppi al centro, Cantagalli and Gil spikers and Pali libero.
Next match for Agnelli Metalli will be again away from home against Abasan Bari.

Edilesse Cavriago – Agnelli Metalli Bergamo 3-0
(25-16; 25-17; 25-17)

Sets lenght: 21’, 23’, 22’.
Referees: Piluso & Amati.

Edilesse Cavriago: Luppi 5, Giumelli 1, Stagni 3, Bassoli n.e., Armeti, Speringo 1, Gil 13, Cantagalli 12, Kirchein 14, Carletti n.e., Bonini n.e., Peli (libero).
Coach: Bonitta.

Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: Boroni S. n.e., Boroni A. 5, Olli, Gargano n.e., Finazzi 5, Lafit 3, Burgsthaler 6, Sangalli, Bonetti, Gadnik 10, Yngerskog 3, Gelasio (libero).
Coach: Cominetti.

Crowd around 1000

Serve errors:
Cavriago 9
Agnelli 12.

Cavriago 2.
Agnelli 1.

Sara Vavassori
Press Office Agnelli metalli Bergamo
cell. 3490847457