Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: Cominetti boys will play against Edilesse Cavriago, another team fighting to avoid relegation. Keep playing in Serie A2 seems to be a far away dream for Agnelli, but until the end of the season Finazzi and teammates will not surrender, in order to save the honour and the name of the Club. At the moment the situation of the standing is: last position with 11points, 12 points behind the four last team, at the moment Cavriago, and 15 points away from the salvation. Now find a motivation is getting harder and harder after 11 consecutive losses (last one on Wednesday against Taviano): but maybe just because there is nothing to lose, the boys could start to play complitely without pressure and maybe play as better as possible. In the next match the possible starting siz is Bonetti setter, Yngerskog spiker, or maybe there will be Alessandro Boroni & Sangalli spikers with Olli setter. Confirmed opposite Gadnik, middleblockers Finazzi & Burgsthaler and libero Gelasio.

Sara Vavassori
Press Office Agnelli Metalli Bergamo
cell. 3490847457