Esse-Ti Carilo Loreto: Third consecutive home match for Esse-ti Carilo Loreto, after the weekly match ended with a loss against Spoleto. “A match to forget” is the comon thought of the Club.
Now Esse-ti Carilo tries to move the standing with the match at the PalaSerenelli. After Milano and Santa Croce, there will be the match at 6.00PM on Sunday (on SKY Sport 2 on Monday at 3.45PM) between Famigliulo Corigliano and Esse-ti Carilo.

Corigliano will arrive with its 4th position of the standing, with a team that clearly wants to reach the playoff phase.
Loreto has to to do whatever they can to stop the three spikers Kovacevic-Yoko-Maric.

So Tomalino and teammates has to fight back in order to get a victory and to move the standing (relegaton area is just three points away), and to forget last Wednesday match.