Famigliulo Corigliano: After the unlucky match in Milan, tomorrow night, at Pala Corigliano arena, Modugno-Noicattero Volley is going to play..
The game is going to be played at 8:30 p.m.

First Season: On last October Famigliulo won the match, showing a great technique and determination. But now both the teams have change: it wll be a thrilling chellenge.

Starting six: Famigliulo is not using Maric. At his place De Marchi and Yoko should play. dovrebbe giocare uno tra De Marchi e Yoko. Kovacevic and Parodi spikers. Corvetta setter, Tomasello-Baldaccini middleblockers eand Giovi libero.

After two trainings Famigliulo is going to train tomorrow at Pala Corigliano arena to be prepared for the match.

[In the photo:Simone Parodi]

Johnny Fusca
Press office Famigliulo Volley Corigliano