Salento d’amare Taviano:
Second consecutive home team for Salento d’amare Taviano that after winning last Sunday against leader Castellana, will try to stop another big team. At the PalaIngrosso tomorrow Premier Hotels Crema will aririve with its fourth position of the standing.
Crema is still struggling with a lot of injuries: Cazzaniga, Held, Saitta, Jancszak, Caprotti & Canzanella, now also second setter Fabio Soli is out for a finger injury.
Crema has lost last Sunday against Spoleto (3-0 the final score).
una battuta d’arresto che conferma il momento non proprio esaltante che Taviano will try to keep playing as they did lately and will try to came out from the PalaIngrosso with a victory.
Coach Masciarelli should count on the usual starting six with setter De Giorgi, opposite Liefke, middleblockers Belardi & Tomassetti and with spikers Ereu & Zanette. Libero De Pandis.
Crema should start the match wth Saitta setter, Canzanella, Martino & Jankovic (waitin for the best Cazzaniga) spikers, Elia and Egeste (Held out at the moment) middleblockers and Caprotti libero.

Daniele Greco