Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: It ended once again 3-2 for Isernia, just like in the previous match. Agnelli Metalli loses two precious points and gather only one in the crucial salvation match against Isernia. it should have been the reaction match, and the beginning seemed to be like that, but at the end something went wrong and did not go as planned and for Bergamo the result in another loss. Ahead 2-1 Bergamo did not find the strenght to
For Agnelli good match for Matteo Burgshtaler, Gadnik & Lafit. Applauses also for the debut of the new arrival Yngerskog.


Agnelli Metalli Bergamo – S.E.C. Isernia 2-3
(25-22; 21-25; 25-23; 17-25; 10-15)

Sets lengtht: 27’, 27’, 27’, 24’, 16’.

Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: Boroni S. n.e., Boroni A. 2, Olli 6, Gelasio (libero), Daolio 2, Finazzi 11, Lafit 12, Burgsthaler 15, Sangalli 3, Bonetti, Gadnik 22, Yngerskog.
Coach: Cominetti.

S.E.C. Isernia: Costantini 5, Scappaticcio 3, Gribov, Troka n.e., Rosso 29, Gatto (libero), Cortellazzi 1, Shumov 16, Axé 12, Argilagos 16.
Coach: Chiovini.

Referees: Zanussi & Contini.

Crowd 600 people

Serve errors:
Bergamo 16
Isernia 16

Bergamo 3
Isernia 4

Bergamo 16
Isernia 15.

Sara Vavassori
Press Office Agnelli Metalli Bergamo
cell. 3490847457