Lega Pallavolo Serie A and all the Clubs will support and spread, next saturday 25th and sunday 26th february, the “X Giornata delle Malattie Rare”, the tenth day of rare deseases, remembered all over the world the last day of february.

This is a very important union between Lega Volley and UNIAMO (Federazione Italiana Malattie Rare Onlus), a partnership renowned by nine seasons, confiming year by year the importance of this initiative for all the volleyball fans.

“With the research, we have infinite chances” this is the motto of X Day of Rare Diseases, which has the target to recognize the fundamental role of scientific research in giving answeres and chances to all the patients, about cures or assistence.

This day is the chance to invite all the doctors, researchers, students, politicians, to be more active in reasearch and to give them mor consciusness of the importance of this type of research.

The day is coordinated by EURORDIS, Organizzazione Europea per le Malattie Rare, european organization for Rare Diseases, since 2008 active in spreading this message. Thanks to their campaigns, now the day is celebrated in 85 countries in the world, and recognized by European Union. In Italy the day is coordinated by UNIAMO F.I.M.R. onlus.

100 events in 70 cities, involving 177 associations. A great thing for all the patients all around Italy.

In live match on RAI Sport 1 saturday 25th february at 18 between Bunge Ravenna and Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia, will be available gadgets and info about the day.

More infos on www.uniamo.org for Italy and www.rarediseaseday.org for the world campaign.

On Facebook the page is giornatadellemalattierare

Facebook and twitter: UniamoFimrOnlus and Lega Pallavolo Serie A