On tomorrow friday 10th february, will be out “V come Volley”, a volleyball magazine of 8 pages on newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport, a magazine which will be out for free every friday on Gazzetta.

il nuovo approfondimento editoriale gratuito che La Gazzetta dello Sport dedica alla pallavolo, 8 pagine ogni venerd¨¬ che accompagneranno la grande stagione delle Coppe e della Serie A UnipolSai.

“Gazzetta is the newspaper of sport and volleyball – said Gazzetta dello Sport director Andrea Monti -, second only to football for FIPAV card holders, is a passion and a dream. Thinking about how the entire nation dreamed seeing the wins of the italian national team at the Olympics in Rio. The team play, the clean players, men and ladies, are the stories that Gazzetta wants to tell”.


“Lega Pallavolo Serie A and its Clubs ¨D said Massimo Righi, CEO of Lega Pallavolo Serie A ¨D, are very happy and enthusiastic in seeing the editorial program of RCS and the job of the unit of Gazzetta dello Sport, confirming their support, planning some advertising investments”.

“V come Volley” every friday will recap the volleyball week and will look froward to the next games in the weekend. Players, stats, interviews, focus, fans, authirities of volleyball, all this will be “V come Volley”.

This is one the key moments of the season, approaching the playoffs and the trophies. On tomorrow in example we’ll have on the magazine an interview with Simone Giannelli, setter of Trentino Volley and silver medallist to last Olympics in Rio with the italian national team. There will be also a focus on Bulgarian hammer Svetan Sokolov, speaking about the next sunday’s big match between Cucine Lube Civitanova and Diatec Trentino. And many more articles and focus on the cities with more audience in the tournament and a moment with the fans on social media