Serie A2 Playoffs UnipolSai
Final Game 4 Wednesday


There was a potential party in Vibo on Sunday with the home side being 2-0 in the series and needed just the last one to celebrate promotion but Sora had other ideas.


Sora will now try to make the most of being home to tie the series at 2-2, something that seemed impossible just a few days ago. They had always been competitive against Vibo but often had trouble to finish the sets too. In Game 3, the visitors had the best Marco Fabroni of the season and were dominant both in attack and the block-dig area. Romolo Mariano was back to his best. He finished top scorer with 16 points and did an excellent job in reception too with libero Marco Santucci. Other elements were the union of the team, the positive attitude and the flow of their game. There would be no lightning quick final like some thought. It’s game on.

Not many times had Vibo Valentia failed to play like on Sunday night. They had always given the impression of a team under control in every set that always showed the experience and composure when it mattered most. Peter Michalovic was not as lethal as usual, and Casoli’s wisdom (Vibo’s top scorer with 11) was not enough to turn things around in a game that started poorly and finished even worse. Nothing is compromised though, the cup winners are still 2-1 ahead and have already managed to win in Sora’s PalaGlobo arena, but there is one data standing out: this season Vibo and Sora are tied. Vibo won the cup final and the first two games of this final, while Sora won both regular season games and Game 3 last Sunday.


Play Off Serie A2 UnipolSai, Finale Gara 4

Mercoledì 11 maggio 2016, ore 20.30

Globo Banca Popolare del Frusinate Sora – Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia  Diretta Lega Volley Channel


Addetto al Video Check: Renzi  Segnapunti: Angeloni


Play Off Serie A2 UnipolSai, Finale Gara 5

Domenica 15 maggio 2016, ore 18.00

Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia – Globo Banca Popolare del Frusinate Sora  Diretta Lega Volley Channel