Marmi Lanza Verona: Marmi Lanza Verona has not been able to beat Modena, in the last home match of 2006. Four sets played at the PalaOlimpia, the first won by Verona and the following threes by Modena (25-22, 20-25, 20-25, 19-25).
Angelo Lorenzetti, has declared: “We muat analize the match set by set and not in the whole match. We could have gathered something more, especially the second set could have been ours. Since the second set on the match has been in Modena hands with setter Ricardo that handle the game in the best possible way giving troubles to our block and to our defense. In the first set we have been able to play at the same level of Modena and they made quite few errors; in the second set they gave us the chance to make points but we haven’t been bale to do it constantly.
We didn’t make too many errors but they were able to defend our spikes and get the point quite easilly. We have to play like we did Saturday also against teams like, Padova & Vibo, and not only against big teams like Modena and Macerata”.

Francesca Paradiso
Press Office
mob. 349. 57.14.589