Itas Diatec Trentino:
Trento, 30 December 2006

Itas Diatec Trentino closes the 2006 in the best possible way by winning
3-0 against Antonveneta Padova. The victory gives three important point for the access to the Final Eight of Coppa Italia. Itas Diatec has now reached the seventh position of the standing together with Taranto, so the boys are still able to get the access to the final eight.
Against Padova, Radamès Lattari’s team cared about the game and play very well the side out phase of the match especially thanks to the great performance of Marco Meoni that inspired all his spikers. At the end of the match Trento closes with 59% in attack with a peak of 71% for the side out phase.
Good performance for the whole team but it must been pointed out the match of the middleblockers (Hübner 83% in attack and 2 blocss, Heller 64% and 2 aces), the usual very good performance of Winiarski, able to close with 62% in attack and 77% in passing.

Here after the score of the match:

Itas Diatec Trentino-Antonveneta Padova 3-0
(25-19, 25-22, 25-23)

ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO: Meoni, Winiarski 9, Hübner 12, Nascimento 18, Gallotta 6, Heller 9, Bari (L); Mescoli. N.e. De Paola, Della Lunga, Nemec e Mlyakov.
Coach: Radamès Lattari.

ANTONVENETA: Kromm 6, Piscopo 8, Esko 2, Andrae 12, De Togni 1, Pampel 13, Garghella (L); Jago 6, Tamburo, Tovo. N.e. Baggio e Quarti.
Coach: Luigi Schiavon.

REFEREES: Lavorenti di Livorno e Bartolini di Firenze.

SETS LENGHT: 26’, 29’, 28’; tot 1h e 22’.

2954 crowd with an income of 21.977 euro.

Itas Diatec Trentino:
4 blocks, 2 aces, 9 serve errors, 5 point errors,
59% in attack, 76% (62%) in passing.

3 blocks, 3 aces, 11 serve errors, 8 point errors, 48% in attack, 66% (49%) in passing.

Mvp Marco Meoni.

Trentino Volley S.p.A.
Press Office

Francesco Segala
Tel 0461-829939, e-mail: