SuperLega UnipolSai
Round 16 recap
Ravenna stuns Trento


SuperLega UnipolSai results:

Diatec Trentino-CMC Romagna 2-3 (25-18, 20-25, 25-19, 22-25, 14-16); Ninfa Latina-DHL Modena 1-3 (25-23, 19-25, 23-25, 22-25); LPR Piacenza-Calzedonia Verona 1-3 (25-23, 22-25, 19-25, 19-25); Cucine Lube Banca Marche Civitanova-Sir Safety Conad Perugia 3-1 (18-25, 26-24, 25-20, 25-18); Tonazzo Padova-Exprivia Molfetta 3-2 (25-23, 23-25, 25-22, 20-25, 15-13); Gi Group Monza-Revivre Milano 04/02/2016 alle 20:30 in diretta su RAI Sport 1


NINFA LATINA – DHL MODENA 1-3 (25-23, 19-25, 23-25, 22-25)

NINFA LATINA: Krumins, Mattei 6, Sottile 2, Sket 11, Pavlov 18, Ferenciac, Romiti (L), Yosifov 8, Rossi 2, Maruotti 12. DNP Tailli, Hirsch. Coach. Placì.


DHL MODENA: Mossa De Rezende 7, Donadio, Rossini (L), Ngapeth 25, Nikic 5, Bossi 8, Saatkamp 12, Vettori 15, Sighinolfi. DNP Petric, Soli, Casadei, Sartoretti, Piano. Coach. Lorenzetti.


It’s been tough but Modena got away from Latina with a four-set victory. It was tight from start to finish as the host gave it a great fight. Coach Placì was without Hirsch and Tailli but found some offence from Pavlov, while Modena got a huge 25 from Ngapeth.

MVP Bruno Bruninho Mossa de Rezende (DHL Modena)


Viktor Yosifov (Ninfa Latina): “Unlike other games against the best teams, today we had a great game and during the whole sets. We managed to keep up with the level seen in Verona, and we made progress in our game. Good match”.


Salvatore Rossini (DHL Modena): “It’s been tough. It’s the first time I win in Latina. Three crucial points to start a very important week for us, that will give us momentum. We learnt a lot from this encounter. You always have to play at your best, in each set till the end if you want to take the victory”.



DIATEC TRENTINO – CMC ROMAGNA 2-3 (25-18, 20-25, 25-19, 22-25, 14-16)

DIATEC TRENTINO: Nelli, Antonov 7, Bratoev 2, Giannelli 2, Lanza 11, Solé 13, Djuric 24, Colaci (L), Van De Voorde 8, Urnaut 7. DNP Mazzone, De Angelis, Mazzone. Coach. Stoytchev.


CMC ROMAGNA: Mengozzi 8, Ricci 12, Cavanna 3, Zappoli 5, Della Lunga 2, Van Garderen 19, Polo, Koumentakis 4, Goi (L), Torres 25, Boswinkel 1, Bari (L), Perini De Aviz. Coach. Kantor.


A worrying performance from Trento just three days from the Italian Cup semi-final. Trento lost for the first time at home since the 19 October 2014, first day of the SuperLega. And the Italian champs lost two valuable points as it is on the chase of the top two. Many Latina players had spells at Trento and they took care of their former club in over two hours of play. The host had things under control at 2-1 up but led by Torres (25 points at 59%) Romagna fought back. Trento started to struggle at the net and in dig when things was seemingly going their way and Latina took advantage to tie it and then stun Trento in the tie-break. After Perugia, this is another big performance from Romagna against a top team.

MVP Maurice Torres (CMC Romagna)


 Radostin Stoytchev (coach Diatec Trentino): “We did not play at our usual standard. We struggled to block and play on the counter. When you play like that you lose. Congratulations to CMC Romagna who kept believing till the end and took full advantage of our mistakes. We should not make any excuses. We just had a poor game”.


Andrea Bari (CMC Romagna): “If we play at this level we deserve to be in the playoffs. It’s been a game full of ups and downs, but we kept believing and got back in it when Trento went through a difficult spell. It can happen when you’re about to play a Cup final four. But winning against my former club here is really special”.



LPR PIACENZA – CALZEDONIA VERONA 1-3 (25-23, 22-25, 19-25, 19-25)

LPR PIACENZA: Coscione 1, Kohut 10, Ter Horst 8, Perrin 10, Papi 9, Patriarca 5, Lampariello (L), Luburic 2, Tencati 7, Tavares Rodrigues 2. DNP Sedlacek, Zlatanov, Cottarelli. Coach. Giuliani.


CALZEDONIA VERONA: Zingel 10, Kovacevic 21, Pesaresi (L), Gitto, Lecat 6, Spirito, Baranowicz 1, Bellei 2, Sander 25, Anzani 8. DNP Frigo, Starovic, Bucko. Coach. Giani.


Verona stopped the bleeding in Piacenza and got back on track with a 3-1 win. Taylor Sander scored 25 points and was named MVP. Kovacevic shined too with 21 points. Piacenza had the better start and won the first set, a tight second set went to Verona, who dominated the following two sets. The hosts showed a better attitude than against Padova and Trento but they struggled to smash the ball down when it mattered.


Stefano Patriarca (LPR Volley Piacenza): “We clearly lost our way from the third set, our mistakes in attack increased. This should not happen, we have to do a better job. This is a defeat that hurts more than the ones against Padova and Trento because we have played some good volleyball in the first two sets and we were convinced we could get something out of this game. We’ll have a few days to work in the gym now, we’ll need to be extremely focused for the coming games”.


No press release from CalzedoniaVerona




CUCINE LUBE BANCA MARCHE CIVITANOVA – SIR SAFETY CONAD PERUGIA 3-1 (18-25, 26-24, 25-20, 25-18) – CUCINE LUBE BANCA MARCHE CIVITANOVA: Parodi 10, Juantorena 11, Stankovic 7, Priddy 2, Christenson 3, Cester 5, Grebennikov (L), Miljkovic 14, Cebulj 1, Podrascanin 11. DNP Fei, Vitelli, Corvetta. Coach. Blengini.


SIR SAFETY CONAD PERUGIA: Buti 1, Fromm 6, Holt 3, De Cecco 4, Kaliberda 9, Giovi (L), Dimitrov, Elia 4, Atanasijevic 29, Fanuli, Birarelli 6. DNP Tzioumakas, Franceschini. Coach. Kovac.


Civitanova consolidated its unbeaten run in the league in 2016. Blengini’s men had the better of Perugia thanks to an incredible come-back when they seemed to be stuck in one of those horrible nights. They were hitting at 21% as coach Blengini had tried it all with Priddy and Cebulj on. In the meantime, Atanasijevic was taking care of business on the other side of the net (9 points at 54%). But behind 23-19 in the second, Podrascanin’s run of serve ignited the come-back of the hosts. Once the second set was in the bag, Juantorena and co had the momentum and were stronger for Perugia. MVP Simone Parodi (Cucine Lube Banca Marche Civitanova)


Gianlorenzo Blengini (coach Cucine Lube Banca Marche): “We showed great character tonight. The first set and the start of the second had been extremely complicated. This is a very important win, which we wanted badly, and that will allow us to go to Milan for the Italian Cup in good spirit and free minds”.


Alexandar Atanasijevic (Sir Safety Conad Perugia): “At 23-19 in the second set, we had a great opportunity. Unfortunately, we wasted it because of Podrascanin’s serves which we struggled to receive. I think Civitanova is the strongest team in the league, they have so many resources and they proved it tonight. We’re disappointed but we’ll go to the Italian Cup extremely motivated, we know we have everything it takes to beat Modena”.



TONAZZO PADOVA – EXPRIVIA MOLFETTA 3-2 (25-23, 23-25, 25-22, 20-25, 15-13) – TONAZZO PADOVA: Cook 19, Orduna 4, Giannotti 20, Balaso (L), Bassanello, Quiroga 2, Volpato 9, Averill 9, Berger 12, Milan 2, Diamantini 1. DNP Leoni, Lazzaretto. Coach. Baldovin.


EXPRIVIA MOLFETTA: Candellaro 13, Randazzo, De Barros Ferreira 15, Barone 7, De Pandis (L), Hierrezuelo 7, Fedrizzi 15, Hernandez Ramos 25. DNP Kaczynski, Spadavecchia, Mariella, Del Vecchio, Porcelli. Coach. Montagnani.


Padova celebrated victory after two hours of play. It’s been a thrilling encounter thanks to both teams and the result remained uncertain till the very end. It was indeed 12-12 in the tie-break but Quiroga made sure the home fans could jump for joy.


Valerio Baldovin (coach Tonazzo Padova): “We have only had good games since the Christmas break and today again we obtained two important points against a team that showed all its quality. We have been clinical in the most important moments. I’m not looking at the table for now. It’s not my style. Now we’ll focus on the game against Perugia, which will undoubtedly be a very difficult test”.


Paolo Montagnani (coach Exprivia Molfetta): “It’s been an entertaining game. Both teams were having high percentages in attack. But neither team had a great night in the block-dig area. Unfortunately, we did not handle with composure the last few rallies, which Padova converted”.

League table

DHL Modena 43, Cucine Lube Banca Marche Civitanova 41, Diatec Trentino 36, Calzedonia Verona 32, Sir Safety Conad Perugia 30, Exprivia Molfetta 24, Ninfa Latina 20, Tonazzo Padova 17, CMC Romagna 16, Gi Group Monza 15, LPR Piacenza 6, Revivre Milano 5.


One game in hand: Gi Group Monza and Revivre Milano



SuperLega UnipolSai Round 16

Thursday 4 February at 8.30pm

Gi Group Monza – Revivre Milano  Live on RAI Sport 1

Live streaming on



SuperLega UnipolSai Round 17

Tuesday 9 February at 8.30pm

Revivre Milano – Ninfa Latina  Live on RAI Sport 1

Live streaming on

Wednesday 10 February at 7.30pm

Calzedonia Verona – Cucine Lube Banca Marche Civitanova  Live on Lega Volley Channel

Wednesday 10 February at 8.30pm

In Ravenna  CMC Romagna – LPR Piacenza  Live on RAI Sport 1

Live streaming on

Sir Safety Conad Perugia – Tonazzo Padova  Live on Lega Volley Channel

Exprivia Molfetta – Gi Group Monza  Live on Lega Volley Channel

Thursday 11 February at 8.30pm

DHL Modena – Diatec Trentino  Live on RAI Sport 1

Live streaming on