Playoffs UnipolSai


The cameras of the Video Check will be active in the A2 playoffs semi-finals in Ortona, Sora, Potenza Picena and Corigliano.


Technology will play its part until the last match of the final. Regulations will be the same as in the SuperLega. Besides, in the final series of the SuperLega, the Video check will also read the net touches. This new fixture was used for the first time ever in Chieti for the Italian Cup Final Four in the Serie A2.


“We will go all out for the climax of the season – said the president of the Italian Volleyball League Albino Massaccesi – There will be 12 high-speed cameras in the A2 semi-finals and final, and even 18 for the SuperLega final. Let’s not forget the radio system supplied by the FIPAV, which will further improve the communication between the referees. In terms of technology, these will be the best playoffs of all time”.