Serie A1 Sustenium

Piacenza and Latina respectively upset Modena and Cuneo




ACQUA PARADISO MONZA BRIANZA: Ciabattini, Rossini (L), Nikic 8, Forni 9, Buti 7, Rooney 19, Kaszap, De Cecco 1, Gavotto 14. DNP Shumov, Roumeliotis. Coach. Zanini.


CMC RAVENNA: Mengozzi 11, Leonardi 2, Corvetta 2, Sirri 7, Tabanelli (L), Verhanneman 5, Gallosti, Moro 16, Brunner 2, Gruszka 7. DNP Bendandi. Coach. Babini.


A little more difficult than expected but Monza eventually won against a Ravenna team that made it clear they came to give it a fight. Second consecutive 3-0 win for Monza following last week’s victory over Modena.


Stefano Mengozzi (CMC Ravenna): “Our opponents have led from start to finish. We were forced to chase the score constantly, and that made our task very complicated. Monza is a complete team, they managed to play an excellent game even without Conte and Shumov”.


Sean Rooney (Acqua Paradiso Monza Brianza): “It was important to win 3-0, all the more so given that we’re off to Romania tomorrow for the Cev Cup. We worked and trained hard to get this result and we did it. Now our minds are already set on our European commitment, we know we have to stay focused”.



ANDREOLI LATINA – BRE BANCA LANNUTTI CUNEO 3-2 (25-19, 23-25, 22-25, 25-18, 15-8)

ANDREOLI LATINA: Rivera Caamano 5, Gitto 14, Sottile 3, Jarosz 29, De Pandis (L), Troy, Diachkov 11, Cester 11, Fragkos 13. DNP Hardy-dessources, Guemart, Tailli, Galabinov. Coach. Prandi.


BRE BANCA LANNUTTI CUNEO: Henno (L), Ngapeth 15, Fortunato 5, Wijsmans 14, Vissotto Neves 24, Caceres, Vesely 7, Patriarca, Rossi, Pieri (L), Baranowicz 5. DNP Van Lankvelt, Izzo. Coach. Placì.


Latina put on its cap of giant killer again and defeated Cuneo at the tie-break. Cuneo has lost five time away from home but has always taken a point.


Carmelo Gitto (Andreoli Latina): “We are delighted with the win, this is the end of a period in which we had not performed at our best. We had nothing to lose, and we often manage to play better in these situations, especially on the serve”.


Francesco Fortunato (Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo): “I am always happy to go back to Latina. The key to the game is very simple: they served very well while we didn’t. We’re going through a bad patch. Besides the injuries, we’re struggling to play our game”.



M. ROMA VOLLEY – TONNO CALLIPO VIBO VALENTIA 3-0 (25-23, 25-20, 25-23)

M. ROMA VOLLEY: Lebl 7, Paolucci, Paparoni (L), Zaytsev 8, Boninfante 1, Bencz, Corsano (L), Sabbi 24, Cisolla 8, Bjelica 4. DNP Antonucci, Maruotti, Puliti. Coach. Giani.


TONNO CALLIPO VIBO VALENTIA: Serafini 1, Cernic 7, Diaz 8, Grassano, Banderò, Rak 5, Klapwijk 17, Barone 6, Fanuli (L). DNP Falasca, Coscione, Mignolo, Crigna. Coach. Blengini.


In a game between two disappointed teams knocked out of the cup quarter-finals, Roma had the better of Vibo Valentia in straight sets. MVP Sabbi.


Dante Boninfante (M.Roma Volley): “We finally have the whole squad available now that Bjelica and sabbi are back. We deserved to win it, we handled it very well. We have to keep playing this way. We have to win the games against the teams of our level like we had done in the first half of season”.


Rocco Barone (Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia): “We did not manage to make the difference in the important moments of the game. We’ve been unlucky of late, and the results are not coming our way. Tonight for example, we deserved at least the tie-break”.



FIDIA PADOVA – MARMI LANZA VERONA 3-0 (25-22, 25-20, 25-12)

FIDIA PADOVA: Schwarz 18, Gonzalez 6, Koshikawa, De Marchi 9, Simeonov 11, Semenzato 7, Suljagic 2, Zingaro (L). DNP Garghella, Tiberti, Cricca, Giannotti, Rosso. Coach. Montagnani.


MARMI LANZA VERONA: Popp 7, Kosmina, Ter Horst 2, Calderan, Meoni, Smerilli (L), Patriarca 6, Zingel 1, Casarin, Kromm 10, Postiglioni 1, Gasparini 9. DNP Bolla. Coach. Bagnoli.


Padova clinched victory in this important derby against Verona. MVP: Schwarz.


Paolo Montagnani (coach Fidia Padova): “We played with quality today, and at the end of the day the quality always has the better. The attitude of the boys was perfect despite the fact we had a lot of pressure on this week. Simeonov and Gonzalez trained twice in ten days and they still have to get back to full fitness”.


Bruno Bagnoli (coach Marmi Lanza Verona): “We did not manage to contain Padova as we would have liked and I was particularly disappointed with the third set. We are not certain at all to stay up, there is a long way to go  before we can say we’re safe. Now we have to bounce back”.


COPRA ELIOR PIACENZA – CASA MODENA 3-1 (25-23, 19-25, 27-25, 25-18)

COPRA ELIOR PIACENZA: Marra (L), Kral, Papi 13, Zhekov 2, Nikolov 13, Massari, Kampa 4, Zlatanov 15, Holt 12, Tencati 5. DNP De Oliveira, Marretta, Penchev. Coach. Monti.


CASA MODENA: Manià (L), Sala 6, Dennis 13, Carletti 1, Kooy 3, Bellei 1, Esko 3, Martino 13, Anderson 18, Piscopo 7. DNP Catellani, Casoli, Bossi. Coach. Bagnoli.



Samuel Papi was elected MVP as he led Piacenza to upset Modena.  


Luca Tencati (Copra Elior Piacenza): “In the third set we made too many mistakes and Sala’s superb block did not allow us to close the gap on Modena. Credit to us for believing in our chances and for playing with confidence”.


Matteo Martino (Casa Modena): “We have been too sloppy, while they have really played well with excellent serving and attack. Congratulations to Piacenza, they really deserved this win. We have to work hard before the coming games”.


Played Saturday:


LUBE BANCA MARCHE MACERATA: Lampariello, Pajenk, Savani 12, Exiga (L), Parodi 7, Stankovic 3, Travica 1, Omrcen 17, Podrascanin 8. DNP Kovar, Monopoli, Van Walle. Coach. Giuliani.


ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO: Kaziyski 11, Birarelli 9, Della Lunga, Juantorena 11, Zygadlo, Vieira De Oliveira 2, Sokolov, Djuric 2, Colaci (L), Stokr 13, Bari (L), Burgsthaler 5. DNP Brinkman. Coach. Stoytchev.



ENERGY RESOURCES SAN GIUSTINO – SISLEY BELLUNO 2-3 (25-20, 17-25, 25-27, 25-23, 14-16)

ENERGY RESOURCES SAN GIUSTINO: Creus Larry 12, Rauwerdink 14, Patak 21, Cozzi 11, Petkovic 1, Tholse, Giovi (L), Sammelvuo 3, Urnaut 11. DNP Mc Kibbin, Finazzi, Lo Bianco. Coach. De Giorgi.


SISLEY BELLUNO: Abdelaziz 2, Szabò, Fei 22, Horstink 14, Dolfo, Farina (L), Kohut 11, De Togni 9, Suxho 2, Antonov 3, Sorato (L), Ogurcak 13. DNP Curti. Coach. Piazza.


Serie A1 Sustenium


Lube Banca Marche Macerata-Itas Diatec Trentino 0-3 (24-26, 24-26, 20-25) giocata sabato; Energy Resources San Giustino-Sisley Belluno 2-3 (25-20, 17-25, 25-27, 25-23, 14-16) giocata sabato; Acqua Paradiso Monza Brianza-CMC Ravenna 3-0 (25-22, 25-23, 25-22); Andreoli Latina-Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo 3-2 (25-19, 23-25, 22-25, 25-18, 15-8); Copra Elior Piacenza-Casa Modena 3-1 (25-23, 19-25, 27-25, 25-18); M. Roma Volley-Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia 3-0 (25-23, 25-20, 25-23); Fidia Padova-Marmi Lanza Verona 3-0 (25-22, 25-20, 25-12)


League table

Itas Diatec Trentino 44, Lube Banca Marche Macerata 38, Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo 37, Casa Modena 32, Acqua Paradiso Monza Brianza 30, Sisley Belluno 27, M. Roma Volley 23, Marmi Lanza Verona 22, Andreoli Latina 21, Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia 20, Copra Elior Piacenza 20, Fidia Padova 18, Energy Resources San Giustino 16, CMC Ravenna 9.



Saturday February 4 at 5.30pm

Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia-Copra Elior Piacenza Live on Rai Sport 1

Sunday February 5 at 5.30pm

Casa Modena-Fidia Padova Diretta Rai Sport 1

Sunday February 5 at 6pm

Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo-Lube Banca Marche Macerata Live on

Energy Resources San Giustino-Itas Diatec Trentino

Marmi Lanza Verona-CMC Ravenna

Sisley Belluno-M. Roma Volley

Andreoli Latina-Acqua Paradiso Monza Brianza





Serie A2 Sustenium

Round 21, Perugia stays top


NGM MOBILE SANTA CROCE – EDILESSE CONAD REGGIO EMILIA 3-2 (25-23, 25-20, 15-25, 21-25, 15-10)

NGM MOBILE SANTA CROCE: Candellaro 8, Masini, Cetrullo 20, Bertoli 1, Lizala, Snippe 16, Parusso 1, Tosi (L), Garnica 1, Hrazdira 20, Baldaccini 12. DNP Bonami. Coach. Bertini.


EDILESSE CONAD REGGIO EMILIA: Luppi 8, Orduna 2, Paoletti 26, Tondo 13, Dall’olio, Goi, Inserra 3, Ippolito 20, Peli (L). DNP Bakumovski, Valenti, Tagliavini, Vecchi. Coach. Conte.




GLOBO BANCA POPOLARE DEL FRUSINATE SORA: Buzzelli, Van Dijk 17, Scappaticcio, Scuderi, Libraro 7, Pagni 9, Bratoev 9, Moretti 8, Gatto (L). DNP Gaetano, Gemmi, Rea, Pagni. Coach. Porro.


ENERGY RESOURCES CARILO LORETO: Morelli 3, Aprea, Di Marco 3, Paoli 2, Peda 14, Moretti 10, Janusek 13, Cacchiarelli (L), Cortellazzi 6, Anzani 7. DNP Gabbanelli, Koresaar. Coach. Fracascia.



GHERARDI SVI CITTà DI CASTELLO – SIDIGAS ATRIPALDA 1-3 (25-27, 25-20, 18-25, 23-25) 

GHERARDI SVI CITTà DI CASTELLO: Dordei, Lehtonen 11, Noda Blanco 12, Stoppelli, Cherubini, Marini, Visentin 1, Rosalba 9, Piano 7, Vigilante, Di Benedetto 2, Giombini 15, Romiti (L). DNP Nardi. Coach. Radici.


SIDIGAS ATRIPALDA: Bruno, David 1, Coppola (L), Mor 1, De Paula 19, Cuomo 7, Libraro, Nemeth 23, D’avanzo 10, Paris 3, Gallotta 6, Scialò 1. Coach. Lorenzoni.




CARIGE GENOVA: Tibaldo, Nonne, Ruiz 6, Nuti 2, Polidori 6, Yordanov 18, Rizzo (L), Pecorari 3, Ainsworth 2, Meszaros 12. DNP Donati, Manassero. Coach. Del Federico.


BCC-NEP CASTELLANA GROTTE: Cazzaniga, Elia 5, Ricciardello (L), Falaschi 4, Castellano 9, Milushev 20, Rodriguez 11, Salgado 6, Maric 1, Cicola. DNP Rinaldi, Torre, Giosa. Coach. Di Pinto.



CASSA RURALE CANTÙ – SIR SAFETY PERUGIA 0-3 (16-25, 15-25, 19-25)

CASSA RURALE CANTù: Pavan 5, Monguzzi 5, Seregni, Gelasio (L), Ruggeri, Krumins 1, Galliani 6, Sequeira 21, Bonetti, Tuominen 7. DNP Butti, Sala, Panighini, Prina. Coach. Della Rosa.


SIR SAFETY PERUGIA: Petric 14, Daldello 1, Cesarini (L), Tomassetti 5, Bucaioni 1, Zamagni, Tamburo 14, Corsini 8, Vujevic 6, Belcecchi. DNP Fusaro, Bartoli, Lattanzi. Coach. Kovac.





CHEBANCA! MILANO – PALLAVOLO MOLFETTA 3-1 (22-25, 25-20, 28-26, 25-22)

CHEBANCA! MILANO: Durante (L), Blasi 1, Vedovotto 11, Cauteruccio (L), Mattera 3, Beretta 5, Angelov, Di Manno 19, Baroti 1, Thiago De Oliveira 16, Robbiati 12. DNP Insalata, Mercorio. Coach. Moretti.


PALLAVOLO MOLFETTA: Cortina (L), Uchikov 29, Del Vecchio 6, Bacci 1, Botti 7, Mattioli 5, La Forgia 7, Al Nabhan 17, Illuzzi 1, Bisci (L). DNP Poli, Alomia Angulo, Giglioli. Coach. Lorizio.



CICCHETTI ISERNIA – CAFFè AIELLO CORIGLIANO 3-1 (25-21, 25-18, 17-25, 28-26)
CICCHETTI ISERNIA: Fiore 17, Poikela, Sesto 14, Cardona 10, Spampinato (L), Di Franco 7, Cayir 2, Simone 1, Mengozzi 16, Della Corte, Saitta 9. DNP Torre, De Caria, De Luca. Coach. Giannini.


CAFFè AIELLO CORIGLIANO: Spescha 11, Galic 11, Dutto, De Giorgi, Santucci, Tomasello 8, Kindgard 2, Padura Diaz 4, Sperandio 5, Viva (L), Edgar 26. DNP Casciaro, Muccio. Coach. Nacci.



Played saturday:

CLUB ITALIA ROMA – CRAZY DIAMOND SEGRATE 3-0 (25-17, 25-23, 25-20)

CLUB ITALIA ROMA: Latelli, Marchisio (L), Castellani, Paris 6, Fedrizzi 9, Vettori 18, Marchiani, Mazzone 12, Valsecchi 4. DNP De Paola, Mattei, Gabriele, Prandi. Coach. Totire.


CRAZY DIAMOND SEGRATE: Van Den Dries 7, Pesaresi (L), Alletti 8, Tescaro, Pinelli 1, Botto 7, Russo 3, Spairani, Preti, Canzanella 12. DNP Radunovic, Braga, Caprotti. Coach. Ricci.



Serie A2 Sustenium

Round 21

NGM Mobile S.Croce-Edilesse Conad Reggio Emilia 3-2 (25-23, 25-20, 15-25, 21-25, 15-10); Globo Banca Pop. Frusinate Sora-Energy Resources Carilo Loreto 3-0 (25-23, 30-28, 25-22); Club Italia Roma-Crazy Diamond Segrate 3-0 (25-17, 25-23, 25-20); Gherardi SVI Città di Castello-Sidigas Atripalda 1-3 (25-27, 25-20, 18-25, 23-25); Carige Genova-BCC-NEP Castellana Grotte 0-3 (22-25, 21-25, 21-25); Cassa Rurale Cantù-Sir Safety Perugia 0-3 (16-25, 15-25, 19-25); CheBanca! Milano-Pallavolo Molfetta 3-1 (22-25, 25-20, 28-26, 25-22); Cicchetti Isernia-Caffè Aiello Corigliano 3-1 (25-21, 25-18, 17-25, 28-26)


League table

Sir Safety Perugia 49, BCC-NEP Castellana Grotte 48, Crazy Diamond Segrate 42, Pallavolo Molfetta 40, Gherardi SVI Città Di Castello 39, CheBanca! Milano 39, Globo Banca Pop. Frusinate Sora 37, Carige Genova 35, Energy Resources Carilo Loreto 33, NGM Mobile S.Croce 31, Caffè Aiello Corigliano 27, Cicchetti Isernia 24, Club Italia Roma 23, Sidigas Atripalda 15, Edilesse Conad Reggio Emilia 12, Cassa Rurale Cantù 10. 



Saturday February 4 at 8.30pm

Edilesse Conad Reggio Emilia-Cassa Rurale Cantù

Sunday February 5 at 4pm

Pallavolo Molfetta-Globo Banca Pop. Frusinate Sora  Live on Sportitalia 2

Sunday February 5 at 6pm

Caffè Aiello Corigliano-NGM Mobile S.Croce

Energy Resources Carilo Loreto-Carige Genova

Crazy Diamond Segrate-Gherardi SVI Città Di Castello

Sidigas Atripalda-Club Italia Roma

Sir Safety Perugia-CheBanca! Milano

BCC-NEP Castellana Grotte-Cicchetti Isernia