Codyeco S.Croce:

Codyeco Lupi: Torre 5, Fabbiani 16, Pagni 6, Corsini 8, Caldeira 10, Janic 8, Pieri (libero), Rocchini n.e, Lirutti n.e, Papucci n.e, Fondi n.e.
Coach: Valdo.

Fiorese Bassano: Carletti 1, Moro 4, Guarise 4, Sabo 6, Dalla Libera 7, Desiderio 12, Guidolin (libero), Borsatto 3, Osellame n.e, Quiroga n.e, Dal Molin n.e.
Coach: Simoni.

Sets: 25-19 in 21´, 25-20 in 23´, 25-15 in 20´.

Serve errors Codyeco 7 Aces 5
Serve errors Fiorese 7 Aces 3

Crowd: 900.

Just a little more than one hour it is necessary to Codyeco to defeat 3-0 Fiorese Bassano, and reaches the third position of the standing (only one point away from leaders Castellana-Crema) and conquers the access to the final phase of the Serie A2 Italy cup.
Codyeco, without Lirutti out for a back injury, played a great match and showed to Bassano that there would have not been space for them.
Fabbiani played very well in attack and also blocked very well(4 winning blocks for him), Caldeira played a good match very well set by Torre.

Andrea Costanzo
Press Office Codyeco Lupi Santa Croce