RPA-LuigiBacchi.it Perugia: Redeem Piacenza. This is the goal for RPA-LuigiBacchi.it. On Sunday at the PalaEvangelisti (at 6.00PM), Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo will arrive strong of the first position of the standing. Cuneo is playing really well despite the injury occoured to capitain Wijsmans (replaced by brazilian Abbadi). The traditoin sees Perugia always playing very well against Giba and teammates, but Cuneo setter Coscione hopes that things will change on Sunday.
Perugia is working really well to get ready for the match, especially the feeling between setter Sottile and the spikers is growing better and better every day. The show will be great. After two months without volleyball the Perugia fans just can’t wait to be back and support the team.
All the players at coach Zanini disposal, only iranian Mahmoudi will not be present because of an ankle injury had the Asiatic Games.

Eleonora Cozzari
Press Office
Perugia Volley