Marmi Lanza Verona – Mare&Volley Forlì 2-3 (25-23, 23-25, 21-25, 25-13, 13-15)
MARMI LANZA VERONA: Sgrò 1, Bellei 12, Janic 22, Sottile 2, Dolfo, Tabanelli (L), Botti 10, Zadrazil, Gato 16, Mosterts 7. N E Butti Canzanella. Coach Giuliani Alberto. MARE&VOLLEY FORLì: Rodrigues 26, Bendi (L), Guemart 1, Celetti (L), Casadei 1, Loglisci 8, Spescha 9, Bellini 1, Creus Larry 9, Mosca, Bozko 11. N E Gelli, Ferraro. Coach Molducci Piero. REFS: Nunzio Caltabiano, Massimo Marchello. NOTES- set length: 30′, 29′, 27′, 23′, 17′; tot: 126′.

Verona – Once again the promotion to the top league is decided at tie break.

This time is Mare&Volley Forli’s turn to conquer the access to the Serie A1 TIM 2008/09 beating Marmi Lanza Verona at tie break. At a PalaOlimpia dressed up for the party, the 500 supporters from Forli have been able to attend their team’s great achievement conquering an historical promotion.

Match 3 of the promotions Play offs final starts at very high levels straight away. There is no space for compliments and Forli lets everyone know that they came to Verona to win. Molducci’s team takes off going on +4 thanks to a super Rodrigues who scores 4 consecutive points (2-6). Verona struggles to settle and attack with very little precision and efficacy. At the first TTO the guest team is leading by 4-8. Marmi Lanza does not agree and with their supporters’ cheering they start a slow come back. Janic is the leader for them. His attacks keep Verona floating up to 22-22 thanks to an attack sent out by Bozko. Head to head in the end with Bellei putting the ball down on 24-23. Rodrigues’ mistake at serving gives the home team the victory of the set.

The second set starts as the previous one ended. Verona goes ahead straight away also thanks to Mare&Volley’s mistakes. Creus Larry’s mistake at serving takes Verona on +2 on 8-6. But once back on court the come back starts for the guests. The series of service mistakes carries on (7 for Verona and 5 for Forli at the end of the set). Rodrigues grabs the 14-14 but it is Loglisci to block Janic on 14-15. The match carries on with great balance: on each point by Forli one by Verona follows with Janic and Gato. Verona’s mistakes at serving at the end of the set (Gato and Sgrò) bring the match on 1-1.

At the beginning of the third set Bellei and Janic lead the way for Verona towards the Serie A1. But a final is a final and on 10-9 for the home team, three consecutive points by Forli (C. Larry, Bozko and Spescha) turn the situation upside down up to 10-12. Time to start again with a swing of actions and emotions which takes the home team on +4: Rodrigues and C. Larry speed up thei steps, Spescha blocks an attack by Gato (15-18)§ and Bellini distributes precious balls. Verona does not agree but Forli is good at managing their advantage. Bellini and Spescha do not miss the chance and the block on Bellei’s attack stops the score on 21-25 for Mare&Volley.

Fourth set yellow&blue. Marmi Lanza comes back on court with the determination needed to go to tie break. Thei blocking works well: Janic and Sottile are efficient at vanishing their opponents’ attack. Forli starts makeing many mistakes and the team gets more and more nervous. Gato and Janic make very little mistakes while Forli is not able to wake up from their sleep. Captain Botti’s attack marks the 25-13 which means tie break.

The enthusiasm of the 5.534 at PalaOlimpia is incredible and Marmi Lanza gets exited cheered by their supporters. The key of the set is in Bellei, Janic and Botti’s attacks who push the yellow&blue on +3 (11-8). It seems over for Forli but twmo mistakes in attack by the home team and Spescha’s block on Gato bring Forli on 11-12. The final part is not for the cardiopath. Marmi Lanza is one step from promotion but they give in right at the end. And Rodrigues, leader of the match, scores the decisive point which puts MAre&Volley in Serie A1 TIM.

Simone Spescha (Mare&Volley Forlì): “Tonight it was like being inside the Arena. The warmth showed by our supporters gave us the shivers. We still have to realise what we have done: two consecutive promotions are the history of volleyball”.

Luciano Bozko (Mare&Volley Forlì): “I am very happy about this important success. We have played play offs at a very high level and with tonight’s match we have proven to be able to play against a great team. Ours was a group victory.”

Leonardo Rodrigues (Mare&Volley Forlì): “Our season has been constantly growing. Tonight we have played an excellent volleyball against a great team. I dedicate this victory to God and my mother in Brasil.”

Alberto Giuliani (Marmi Lanza Verona): “We have paid for the three consecutive mistakes in the fifth set and we have not been able to control Rodrigues’ counterattacks who was unstoppable tonight. I regret not having been able to give more to this Club and these supporters who deserved the Serie A1.”