The sports world gave a united reply to the call made by Andrea Scolfaro, one of the founders of the “Paoloa Mazzali Project”,dedicated to the basketball player from Bolzano who died in a car crash on the 25th of August 2006.
Volleyball, football, basketball, ice hokey, ice skating have taken part to the auction on E-Bay. The funds raised will be used to cover the costs of the treatments the little one will have to be given in the future.
Volleyball has accepted the invitation being attentive and partecipating as usual. Lorenzo Bernardi donated the shirt he was wearing in the World championships 1990 in Brasil; Andrea Giani his Cimone Modena’s shirt. Sisley Treviso donated two of Alessandro Fei’s shirt.

For further information you can consult www.progettopaolamazzali.it; for donations you can use the following bank account: Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano, agenzia 1, cin K, abi 06045, cab 11601, c.c. 500 500 5, causale Aiutiamo Giulia.