Semifinals Game1 is over. After Treviso victory in Rome, today in Cuneo, Bre Banca Lannutti has beated Copra Berni Piacenza 3-1. Back on court for Game2 on Saturday in Treviso (at 6.10PM, Sisley Treviso – M. Roma Volley), Sunday 29 in Piacenza (at 6.05PM, Copra Berni Piacenza – Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo).

BRE BANCA LANNUTTI CUNEO – COPRA BERNI PIACENZA 3-1 (23-25, 25-22, 25-15, 26-24)

BRE BANCA LANNUTTI CUNEO: Wijsmans 22, Coscione 1, Rigoni, Omrcen 9, Vergnaghi (L), Godoy Filho 16, Rabezzana, Curti, Abbadi, Garcia Pires Ribeiro 5, Oro 20. Not entered Lasko. Coach: Prandi Silvano.
COPRA BERNI PIACENZA: Fernandes Da Silva 1, Marshall 17, Botti 3, Grbic 2, Santos Dutra (L), Zlatanov 10, Simeonov 20, Cozzi 1, Cruz Goncalves, Manià. Not entered Dunnes, Koch. Coach: Dall’Olio Francesco.
REFEREES: Sandro La Micela, Roberto Boris. NOTES – Crowd 3800, income 23000, Sets lenght: 26′, 29′, 24′, 30′; tot: 109′.

CUNEO – Bre Banca Lannutti reaches its first target of the semifinals and give a great show to its crowd: great victory against Copra Berni Piacenza in Game 1.
Both teams arrived at the match without a very important player: Bre Banca Lannutti without Lasko (injured), and Piacenza is without Bovolenta, out for a knee problem.
First set shows since the very first point that the match it is going to be a real battle. A lot of mistakes for Cuneo in serving. Piacenza flies to 16-20 and eventually closes the set with the score of 23-25, stopping the recovery of Cuneo with Riad (20-22), Giba (22-23) & Wisjmans (23-24).
Different story in the second set when Cuneo finally get into the match and the spirit of Giba and capitain Wijsmans carry Bre Banca Lannutti to the victory of the set: Wijsmans gives his very best (75% in attack and one ace), Copra keeps up until 21-21, Cuneo does not give up, and Giba score the decisive point and closes 25-22.
Bre Banca Lannutti keeps growing and beats Piacenza also in the third set; Cuneo always ahead (8-5; 16-10) with Omrcen incisive, while Zlatanov and teammates start to make too many errors. The attack during the thrid set for Piacenza will score only the 29% and Cuneo wins the set with the score of 25-15.
Piacenza tries to reopen the match in the 4th set, but the answer of the boys coached by Prandi react after the second time out (Cuneo down 16-12). Cuneo ties the score up on 19-19 (Oro). Then the match goes ahead point by point with Wijsmans at his top and Oro constant, amazing end of the set with Piacenza that does not give up: Zlatanov tries it with the ball of 24-24, Wijsmans replies with the ball of 25-24 and he is also the one that score the ball of 26-24, despite the spectacular recover of Marshall the set goes to Cuneo that conquers the first semifinals match: Mvp of the night Lucio Antonio Oro.
Silvano Prandi (Coach Cuneo): “We played and won a good match, besided the first sset, in the second we started to serve and to defend much better. Wijsmans & Oro played a great match, Oro is growing match by match. Now we have to repeat ourselves in Piacenza on Sunday”.
Francesco Dall’Olio (all. Piacenza): “We did not play a great match, and we made more errors than Cuneo; before Sunday we have to review some aspects of our game. After the first set we started to have problems, especially in the third and we lost the rithim of the match”.

Saturday 28 April at 6.10PM (SKY Sport 2, live)
Sisley Treviso – M. Roma Volley
Sunday 29 Apri at 6.05PM (SKY Sport 2, live)
Copra Berni Piacenza – Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo