After three years, the “backpack people” will be back in Milan for the 2007 edition of the Volleyland.

The event will take place at the Datch Forum in Milan, on Saturday the 3rd and Sunday the 4th of March 2007. During the event there will be a large numbers of volleyball events, played and not played, organized inside the big arena. The main event will be the TIM CUP A1 Final Four, but there will be space also for the women volleyball, that on Sunday will be there with the All Star Game.
As usual, Volley and Minivolley matches, “Play and learn with the champion”, conferences, and a big fan area thanks especially to the large number of the sponsors.
The event will be organized by Serie A Volleyball League together tiwht the Fipav Lombardia and Fipav Milano. 

TIM CUP A1 Final Eight 2006/2007
Quarter finals of the Cup in  Bassano del Grappa


The quarter finals of the TIM CUP A1 Final Eight 2006/2007 will be played in Bassano del Grappa (VI) on the 28th of February and on the 1st of March 2007.