Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: Cominetti’s team will leave tomoroow for Bassano to face the Fiorese Spa at 6.00PM. Agnelli Bergamo will face the match after the great victory obtained last Sunday against Santa Croce. A victory got at the tiebreak after being down 2-0. Now Bergamo has 9 points in the standing together with Spoleto. Behind Cavriago with 8 points and Bari with 6. e
The match with Bassano will be very hard also because Bassano arrives from two consecutive victories against Milano and Taviano. At the moment Bassano has 6 victories and three loss. Their starting six should be: Carletti setter, Guarise and Sabo middleblockers, Desiderio and Dalla Libera spikers and Borsatto opposite (even if Moro has almost toally recovered.)
Agnelli Metalli will have opposite Daolio still out of injury but could start from the beginning with Jacques Yoko almost totally recovered from his back injury. Then: Olli setter, Sergio Boroni opposite, Finazzi and Burgshtaler middleblocker and libero Gelasio.

Sara Vavassori
Press Office Agnelli Metalli Bergamo
cell. 3490847457