Cantù 4th if:
– W 3-0 3-1, Brescia L 3-0 3-1 and Grottazzolina did not W 3-0 3-1
Cantù 5th if:
– W 3-0 3-1, Brescia earns points and Grottazzolina L or W 3-2
– W 3-2, Brescia earns points and Grottazzolina L
– W 3-0 3-1, Brescia L 3-0 3-1 and Grottazzolina W 3-0 3-1
Cantù 6th if:
– W, Brescia earns points and Grottazzolina W 3-0 3-1
– W 3-2 and Grottazzolina W
Cantù 7th if:
– L, Montecchio and Castellana Grotte L
– L 3-2 and Montecchio and Castellana Grotte did not W 3-0 3-1
Cantù 8th if:
– L 3-0 3-1 and Montecchio or Castellana Grotte W
– L 3-2 Montecchio or Castellana Grotte W 3-0 3-1
Cantù 9th if:
– L 3-0 3-1 and Montecchio and Castellana Grotte W
– L 3-2 and Montecchio and Castellana Grotte W 3-0 3-1