After the win in Semifinals Game 2 at PalaEvangelisti, Coach Lorenzo Bernardi said: “It was a tough game, we took it home with the consciousness we can play as a team, also in the crunch time of the sets. Technically and tactically we know very well Trento, and now we are woking the right way in our minds. Starting the game we were nervous, but then we gained rhythm, winning in the end”.

Sir Safety Conad Perugia – Diatec Trentino 3-1 (30-28, 20-25, 25-19, 25-22) – Sir Safety Conad Perugia: De Cecco 0, Zaytsev 10, Podrascanin 9, Atanasijevic 22, Berger 11, Birarelli 3, Della Lunga 0, Tosi (L), Mitic 0, Bari (L), Buti 6. DNP Chernokozhev, Franceschini, Paris. Coach Bernardi. Diatec Trentino: Giannelli 4, Urnaut 8, Solé 12, Stokr 16, Lanza 7, Van De Voorde 8, Nelli 2, Colaci (L), Chiappa (L), Mazzone T. 1, Mazzone D. 4. DNP Blasi, Burgsthaler. Coach Lorenzetti. REFEREES: Pasquali, Bartolini. NOTES – sets: 38′, 26′, 27′, 29′; tot: 120′. Attendence 3938 MVP Atanasijevic

We got the tie in the series. In Unipolsai Superleague Semifinal Game 2 Sir Safety Conad Perugia grabbed the win in front of sold out PalaEvangelisti with an important win which gave Perugia the tie in the series. Sir Safety played with the heart, with Alexander Berger in place of injured Aaron Russell. Lorenzo Bernardi was perfect in putting on the court Simone Buti and Mihajlo Mitic for the serve in the crunch time of the game, with both the players protagonists of great turns in the fundamental of serve. For Buti also 100% in attack, 5 put of 5 in the quicks, and a good presence down the net. The Mvp was Alexander Atanasijevic, 22 points on the ground with 58% in attack. For Diatec Trentino a good game, Angelo Lorenzetti’s team burned three set points in first set, lost 28-30. The best scorer for the visiting team was Jan Stokr with 16 points and 62% in attack.

Game 3 will take place sunday 9th april at PalaTrento in Trento.

Attendence 3938
MVP: Atanasijevic

Ivan Zaytsev (Sir Safety Conad Perugia): “We played with the heart, definitely. We grabbed a great win in front of our fans, in first set they had a great start, they were always in front, but in the end we fought back and won as a team. We have something to improve, in example we missed alot of serves on today. But we never gave up, and we earned this win, tying the series”.
Simone Giannelli (Diatec Trentino):
“In first set we lost alot of chances to toake home the set. Then they played a bit better than us, above all in the break we lost alot of chances. The series is balanced, we did not expected to come here and have an easy one. Now let’s see next game in front of our fans”.

Semifinal Game 2

Saturday 25th march 2017, – 18.00

Sir Safety Conad Perugia – Diatec Trentino 3-1


Third referee: Puecher

Video Check: Colucci


Sunday 26th march 2017, ore 18.00

Azimut Modena – Cucine Lube Civitanova live on RAI Sport + HD

Live streaming on


Third referee: Simbari

Video Check: Pelucchini

Semifinals Game 3

Sunday 9th april 2017, – 18.00

Cucine Lube Civitanova – Azimut Modena

Diatec Trentino – Sir Safety Conad Perugia

One game on RAI Sport + HD, the other live on Lega Volley Channel

Semifinals Game 4

Wednesday 19th april 2017, – 20.30

Azimut Modena – Cucine Lube Civitanova

Sir Safety Conad Perugia – Diatec Trentino

One game on RAI Sport + HD, the other live on Lega Volley Channel

Semifinals Game 5

Saturday 22nd april 2017, – 20.30

Cucine Lube Civitanova – Azimut Modena

Diatec Trentino – Sir Safety Conad Perugia

One game on RAI Sport + HD, the other live on Lega Volley Channel






1a Cucine Lube Civitanova 2





3-0 3-0

1a Cucine Lube Civitanova 1




8a Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia 0









4a Azimut Modena 2




1-3 3-0 3-1

4a Azimut Modena 0



5a Calzedonia Verona 1







Italian Champ



2a Diatec Trentino 2





3-0 3-0

2a Diatec Trentino 1



7a Gi Group Monza 0





3-1 1-3



3a Sir Safety Conad Perugia 2




3-0 3-0

3a Sir Saf. Conad Perugia 1




6a LPR Piacenza 0