Salento d’amare Taviano: The emergency situation in Salento d’amare seems to never end. After Belardi and Tomassetti, also Simone Lorenzi, the other Taviano middleblocker, had his part of bad luck and got his ankle injured.
The good news is that at leat Belardi and Tomassetti has almost totally recovered. Lorenzi injury should not be too bad but for sure he will not be part of the team for next match against Abasan Bari.
In the meantime coach Masciaarelli played with his boys a friendly match against SErie B1 Team Ugento.
Considering the situation of the injured the starting six for next match should be: De Giorgi setter, Armenakis or Liefke opposite, Tomassetti-Botti middleblockers, Zanette and Dante spikers, De Pandis libero.

Salento d’amare Taviano
Daniele Greco