“Together we can!” the claim that characterized last Sunday’s pre- and post-match of Rinascita Volley Lagonegro. The fans and enthusiasts had the opportunity to learn more about and appreciate the work of the “Giocando Insieme” Cooperative of Sant’Arcangelo (PZ), which among its various activities also deals with guaranteeing assistance and care to unaccompanied foreign minors.

Present at the Palasport of Villa d’Agri were the president of the organisation, Filomena Briamonte, some members and a small group of eleven foreign minors, enthusiastic about watching the match and exchanging some nice dribbles with the players at the end of it.

“A wonderful initiative – the side comment of President Nicola Carlomagno – the opportunity presented itself to stay close to this Cooperative, which does a commendable job, and we will continue to do so. Seeing so many kids so happy made us really proud. Our goal is to network and involve the Associations: for the umpteenth time we have had the pleasant confirmation that sport can be a very powerful means of raising awareness, solidarity and inclusion”.