Victory on and off the field. Last Sunday was another unforgettable day for Rinascita Volley Lagonegro: delegates from AIPD ets-odv (Italian Association of Down People) of Potenza and a delegation of the “Gazzelle”, the Paralympic Hockey team category C21, champion of Italy for three consecutive years, were present at the Palasport of Villa d’Agri.

Together with members Roberto Pisano, Monica Falvella and Simona Masino, the boys from the hockey team cheered with the fans and hugged the players at the end of the match, sending a strong and clear message also supported by their competitive successes: sport breaks down all barriers.

“Yet another extraordinary day that makes you understand the meaning of the word Family for Rinascita – the comment on the sidelines of President Nicola Carlomagno – we hosted a wonderful Association and special boys, they are also demonstrating it with their sporting results. Our attention to social issues does not stop, long live sport without obstacles!”.