No balls on the court flying from side to side. No serves, no blocks, no receptions, no defense. The upcoming weekend (the last full weekend of February) will be without championship matches in the White and Blue Groups of the A3 Credem Banca Series.
The third tournament under the national network will, in fact, be at the center of the Italian Category Cup which will take place on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd in Longarone in the province of Belluno with the teams of the Blue group of Sorrento and Ortona at the start. The Campania team from Agnonese Patriarca will face the hosts Belluno in the semi-final at 5pm. Two and a half hours later there will be space for San Donà di Piave-Ortona with the final, then tomorrow at 6pm with all the matches which will be broadcast live on the Lega Volley YouTube page.