In Sarroch, the best ErmGroup Altotevere of the season was on stage, capable of coming back and taking advantage of a first set that was getting out of hand (remember that for seven games in a row the opening fraction was the “Achilles’ heel ” of the team) and then to dominate the match. This resulted in a third consecutive 3-0 victory, which moved the biancazzurri to the fifth step of the White group table of the Serie A3 Credem Banca, +6 from the penultimate position. Let’s say that ErmGroup can now breathe, even if the two significant challenges against Personal Time San Donà di Piave and Gabbiano Farmamed Mantova are just around the corner. Among the players who are improving in terms of performance there is undoubtedly also the 19-year-old central Gabriel Galiano and this can be seen both from the heavy shot in the first half and from his reactivity on the block. Last Saturday, Galiano scored 9 points (64% prolificacy) and added two more winning blocks to his season score. An ErmGroup that has demonstrated that it is physically well, but isn’t Sarroch’s feat the result of an excellent mental approach as well? “Let’s say that one component helps the other – replies Galiano – because finally, with the full force, we are able to train better and have thus found the right balance from every point of view”. How important was it, in the first set, to recover from 17-21 and close at 28-26? “This reversal was decisive, because then in volleyball you never know how it could end.