With the Serie A3 Regular Season archived and awaiting the Del Monte® Supercoppa A3 on March 30 at the PalaVesuvio in Naples between Romeo Sorrento and Personal Time San Donà di Piave, the spotlight is on the first act of the Play Offs and the debut of the Play Outs, both starting this weekend. The Quarterfinals round sees the top eight teams from the White Group and the top eight from the Blue Group on the field, ready to challenge each other in the best of three games, paired by crossing the best with the worst qualified teams from the same group.
The appetizer of direct clashes is scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday March 15, with the 5:00 pm advance, the remake of the challenge that closed the Regular Season between Personal Time San Donà di Piave, winner of the White Group, and CUS Cagliari, a team that entered with the last pass from the same group and so far defeated six times out of six by their Venetian rivals. Sunday 16 March the other seven games of the Play Off. It starts at 15:30. Under the net Negrini CTE Acqui Terme, third force of the White Group, and Sarlux Sarroch, who closed the first phase in sixth position. The balance in the direct clashes is tied (2-2). At 16:00 first serve for the “derby of the deep south” between Domotek Reggio Calabria, second at the arrival in the Blue Group, opposed to Aurispa Links per la vita Lecce, seventh and chasing the first success with the Calabrians after two defeats. Three simultaneous matches at 18:00.
Standings Regular Season – Girone Bianco
Personal Time San Donà di Piave 40
Belluno Volley 39
Negrini CTE Acqui Terme 38
Gabbiano FarmaMed Mantova 33
ErmGroup Altotevere San Giustino 30
Sarlux Sarroch 26
Monge Gerbaudo Savigliano 22
CUS Cagliari 22
The Begin Volley Ancona 15
Diavoli Rosa Brugherio 5
Standings Regular Season – Girone Blu
Romeo Sorrento 50
Domotek Reggio Calabria 39
JV Gioia Del Colle 37
Rinascita Lagonegro 37
Avimecc Modica 33
Sieco Service Ortona 29
Aurispa Links per la vita Lecce 27
Vidya Viridex Sabaudia 24
BCC Tecbus Castellana Grotte 23
Gaia Energy Napoli 22
EnergyTime Campobasso
Game 1 Quarterfinals – Play Off A3 Credem Banca
Sabato 15 marzo 2025, ore 17.00
Personal Time San Donà di Piave – CUS Cagliari
Arbitri: Pasquali Fabio, Testa Antonio
Video Check: Cardoville Veronica
Segnapunti: Bridda Stefano
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Domenica 16 marzo 2025, ore 15.30
Negrini CTE Acqui Terme – Sarlux Sarroch
Arbitri: Galletti Denise, Stellato Giuseppina
Video Check: Beuto Matteo
Segnapunti: Marinucci Gabriella
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Domenica 16 marzo 2025, ore 16.00
Domotek Reggio Calabria – Aurispa Links per la vita Lecce
Arbitri: Spinnicchia Giorgia, Giorgianni Giovanni
Video Check: Richichi Antonino
Segnapunti: Giorla Antonella
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Domenica 16 marzo 2025, ore 18.00
Rinascita Lagonegro – Avimecc Modica
Arbitri: Pazzaglini Marco, Pasciari Luigi
Video Check: Capobianco Stefano
Segnapunti: Pascaretta Luigi
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Domenica 16 marzo 2025, ore 18.00
JV Gioia Del Colle – Sieco Service Ortona
Arbitri: Polenta Martin, De Sensi Danilo Domenico
Video Check: Simone Massimiliano
Segnapunti: Francia Salvatore
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Domenica 16 marzo 2025, ore 18.00
Belluno Volley – Monge Gerbaudo Savigliano
Arbitri: Viterbo Dalila, Fontini Simone
Video Check: Casarin Irene
Segnapunti: Amoroso Maria Grazia
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Domenica 16 marzo 2025, ore 18.30
Romeo Sorrento – Vidya Viridex Sabaudia
Arbitri: Galteri Andrea, Marani Azzurra
Video Check: Baldi Francesco
Segnapunti: Ferrante Marco
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Domenica 16 marzo 2025, ore 20.30
Gabbiano FarmaMed Mantova – ErmGroup Altotevere San Giustino
Arbitri: Dell’Orso Alberto, Usai Piera
Video Check: Gioia Riccardo
Segnapunti: Ferrara Federico
Diretta YouTube Legavolley