The A3 Credem Banca Play Out Group gets into full swing with the 2nd day of the first leg after the victories in the debut of Ancona over Brugherio and of Castellana against Campobasso. In the second round, the Diavoli Rosa Brugherio remain in the pits, stuck at the post and forced to postpone the appointment with the first points in the second phase. Debut in the race for salvation for Gaia Energy Napoli, rested last Sunday and on the field on Saturday 22 March, at 19.00, in the friendly walls of the PalaSiani for the third time in Serie A (one win each in the previous matches) against BCC Tecbus Castellana Grotte, who has already won the first 3 points and awaits Alberto Marra’s thousandth seal in the regular seasons. On Sunday, at 6:00 p.m., EnergyTime Campobasso will try to unlock its ranking at its headquarters against The Begin Volley Ancona, which immediately stood out in its home debut, taking home the full loot in front of its home crowd in the only “derby” between teams from the White Group. Among the home team Pietro, Margutti is 12 points away from reaching 1500 points in the Regular Season.
2nd Round – Play Out A3 Credem Banca
Sabato 22 marzo 2025, ore 19.00
Gaia Energy Napoli – BCC Tecbus Castellana Grotte
Arbitri: Ciaccio Giovanni, Bonomo Andrea
Video Check: Varchetta Federica
Segnapunti: Varchetta Raffaele
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Domenica 23 marzo 2025, ore 18.00
EnergyTime Campobasso – The Begin Volley Ancona
Arbitri: Lanza Claudia, Pescatore Luca
Video Check: Degnovivo Simone
Diretta YouTube Legavolley
Bye: Diavoli Rosa Brugherio
Standings Girone Play Out A3 Credem Banca
BCC Tecbus Castellana Grotte 3, The Begin Volley Ancona 3, Gaia Energy Napoli 0, Diavoli Rosa Brugherio 0, EnergyTime Campobasso 0.
1 gara in meno: Gaia Energy Napoli