The Quarter Finals begin: Brescia and Acicastello inaugurate the round at 5:30 pm on Sunday. Ravenna – Siena and Cuneo -Aversa will face off at 6:00 pm

Exactly one week after the end of the first phase, with Tinet Prata of Pordenone admitted by right to the Play Off Semifinals as the winner of the Regular Season, another 6 teams will face off in the Quarter Finals in the best of three games. The game will be played on Sunday 23 March, with the first match at the Centro Sportivo San Filippo for the match between Gruppo Consoli Sferc Brescia, fresh from second place in the regular season, and Cosedil Acicastello, qualified with the last slot available. The other two matches are scheduled for 6:00 pm. The Palasport di Cuneo will be the venue for Ma Acqua S.Bernardo Cuneo – Evolution Green Aversa, with the Piedmontese team having managed to overtake the Campanians at the end of the return round, thus taking fourth place in the standings. On the field at the same time, on the taraflex of the PalaCosta, Consar Ravenna, third force in the standings, is opposed to Emma Villas Siena, fresh from third place in the Regular Season. Live streaming on VBTV all the games of the best-of-three series.

Quarterfinals – Play Off A2 Credem Banca

Domenica 23 marzo 2025, ore 17.30
Gruppo Consoli Sferc Brescia – Cosedil Acicastello

Arbitri: Jacobacci Sergio, Cecconato Luca
Video Check: Ferrari Luca
Segnapunti: Rodofile Laura
Diretta VBTV

Domenica 23 marzo 2025, ore 18.00
Consar Ravenna – Emma Villas Siena

Arbitri: Colucci Marco, Di Bari Pierpaolo
Video Check: Tramontano Ciro
Segnapunti: Casadei Stefania
Variazione impianto: Palasport A. Costa (RA)
Diretta VBTV

Domenica 23 marzo 2025, ore 18.00
MA Acqua S.Bernardo Cuneo – Evolution Green Aversa

Arbitri: Marotta Michele, Mesiano Marta
Video Check: Vaschetto Andrea
Segnapunti: Annolfi Valentina
Diretta VBTV

Standings Serie A2 Credem Banca
Tinet Prata di Pordenone 56
Gruppo Consoli Sferc Brescia 56
Consar Ravenna 53
MA Acqua S.Bernardo Cuneo 49
Evolution Green Aversa 48
Emma Villas Siena 46
Cosedil Acicastello 42
Abba Pineto 38
Smartsystem Essence Hotels Fano 31
Delta Group Porto Viro 30
Banca Macerata Fisiomed MC 29
Campi Reali Cantù 28
Conad Reggio Emilia 25
OmiFer Palmi 15