It’s as if it were a new graft. With the advantage of knowing the environment in depth. And to be one of the favorites of the VHV Arena: Fabio Bisi finds himself back on the pitch, as a protagonist. And Belluno Volley finds an opposite of experience and talent, capable of leaving behind the injury at the beginning of the year and the long rehabilitation. In Brugherio, in the last match of the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship, the thirty-year-old originally from Modena had a disruptive impact on the match, with 16 points and 2 aces.

DIFFERENT RESULT – «But, in general, it wasn’t our best match – warns Bisi -. Something didn’t work, although it’s not easy to understand what. For sure, we should have conquered the entire stake.” On a strictly personal level, things are very different: «I’m happy to be back and to be able to lend a hand to the team. However, I would have preferred the result to be different.”

VIA GIUSTA – After having made his debut with the ErmGroup Altotevere San Giustino, and having earned the affection of an Arena in raptures, the trip to Lombardy marks a new “start” in Fabio’s path: «I’m fine, I think I’m on the right track right way. On a physical level, perhaps I don’t yet have the autonomy to stay at the net for five sets: in this regard, I need more matches to fully recover my condition and get back to my levels. But the pitch gave me good feelings. And then it’s always pleasant to play and breathe in the match atmosphere.”