It doesn’t often happen that you overturn the result in your favor from 11-14 to 16-14 in the tie-break, as happened last Sunday in Mantua, although there is already a positive precedent on the account of ErmGroup Altotevere dating back to a year ago: the home match against Avimecc Modica on 14 January 2024, when even then the biancazzurri were down 11-14 in the fifth set and managed to win the match by 3-2 with partial score of 17-15. The only difference is in the score: 6-1 break against Modica and 5-0 against Mantua. The feat at the “Marco Sguaitzer” sports hall was very reminiscent of the one against the Sicilians and the two points brought home are truly gold in a ranking of the White group of the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship which sees ErmGroup sharing fifth place with Cus Cagliari (next opponent), even if in fact it is the sixth because the Sardinians have one more victory. The streak of Bartolini and Monaldi’s team has recorded a haul of 12 points out of the 15 available in the last 5 days and a ranking that has always been in flux. Another interesting fact: of the 20 points collected so far, 11 were won at the San Giustino sports hall and the other 9 away, so the balance sheet is also balanced, as well as good. “Mantua was a match with two faces – comments the opposite player Paolo Battaglia (in the photo, one of his attacks in last Sunday’s match) – because in the meantime we have also demonstrated in this case that we have overcome the handicap of the first set.