The curtain is about to rise on the Del Monte® Supercoppa Serie A3: on Sunday 30 March at the PalaVesuvio in Naples, Romeo Sorrento and Personal Time San Donà di Piave will compete to triumph in the fourth edition of the competition.
The ticket office for the event officially opened yesterday, with the start of the Final scheduled for 6:00 pm: it will be the second seasonal event dedicated to the Serie A3, after the Final Four Del Monte® Coppa Italia which at the end of February awarded Romeo Sorrento in Longarone.
Journalists and media interested in the event, on the other hand, can obtain accreditation to attend the Final by filling out the following form.
Click here to fill out the form to request press accreditation
Requests must necessarily be submitted by Thursday 27 March 2025, exclusively via the indicated link.
On Tuesday 25th March, instead, the press conference to present the event will take place in Sorrento: Media and journalists interested in taking part in the press conference can confirm their presence at
Del Monte® Supercoppa Serie A3
PalaVesuvio, Naples
Sunday 30th March 2025, 6:00 pm
Romeo Sorrento – Personal Time San Donà di Piave
YouTube Live