A sporting life wearing the colors of his city: another chapter is ready to start for Andrea Zanotti, who is linked to Rana Verona for another two years. The partnership between the center back number 21 and the Scaligero club is therefore strengthened, ready to face the fourth consecutive season together. In the first three years of Verona Volley, Zanotti participated twice in the Scudetto Play Offs, as well as reaching a 5th place final.

The place three born in 1997 commented on the renewal of the contract as follows: “For me, saying Verona is equivalent to saying home. And not only because I was born here, but because I grew up, matured and formed as an athlete and as a man with this shirt. Nothing compares to the emotion of defending the colors of your city. The company has the ambition to achieve important results and being part of this project and the group that is being built in recent years is an honor and fills me with pride. I will continue to give my best to offer my contribution to the team.”

“The confirmation of Zanotti in our roster is another piece that certifies the line of continuity that we have undertaken in recent years – underlined President Stefano Fanini – Andrea has been with us since day one, he immediately understood the objectives of our company , he is a true Veronese, so he knows well what it means to fight for this city. Consistency and rigor are principles that he has always embodied and which make him a boy dedicated to his daily work. We put our trust in him, but at the same time he believed in the project, as he has shown to date. Best wishes for the continuation of his journey with Rana Verona.”