Stop the market volleyball. The latest negotiations have been concluded in these hours at the Zanhotel in Bentivoglio (Bologna) where the presidents, general managers and marketing and communications managers of the Super League, A2 and A3 clubs have been present since yesterday. Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina, making its absolute debut in the top championship, presents itself at the starting line with 6 confirmations and 8 new faces. New signings which currently number seven: the fourth spiker is missing, he will be signed in the next few days. “The transfer window relating to foreigners allows us to have a few more days to register the missing player to complete the squad – says president Rossano Romiti -. We are closing, details remain. He could also be under coach Ortenzi’s orders for the meeting set for August 1st.” The shirt numbers of the Yuasa Battery roster have been made official: Zhukouski (1), Antonov (2), Cubito (3), Vecchi (4), Demyanenko (6), Mattei (7), Comparoni (10), Petkovic (12) , Fedrizzi (13), Marchiani (15), Cvanciger (20), Tatarov (21), Marchisio (44). At the moment there are seven new faces: Zhukouski, Antonov, Demyanenko, Comparoni, Petkovic, Cvanciger, Tatarov. The eighth will arrive in a few days. A mix of expert names, already protagonists in the Italian championship, combined with young people with an international profile. Here is the roster available to coach Ortenzi: Marchiani and Zhukouski (setter); Cvanciger and Petkovic (opposites); Antonov, Fedrizzi, and Tatarov (spikers), with the fourth arriving in the coming weeks; Comparoni, Cubito, Demyanenko, Mattei (centrals); Marchisio, Vecchi (free). It will be a season to be lived minute by minute, in which the entire territory will be called upon to support the miracle team which, even in Bologna, continues to be talked about and receive compliments from everyone.