Another youngster for the ABBA Pineto 2024/25 format. The white and blue partnership is pleased to announce the arrival of Emanuele Rampazzo, born in 2003 and originally from Padua, with whom he will complete the setter department. Fresh from his experience with BCC Tecbus Castellana Grotte, in fact, Rampazzo will join Mattia Catone in the control room of the team that will face the next season of Serie A2 Credem Banca, also forming a very young couple: Catone, 23 years old, will in fact they will join the just 21 year old setter from Padua.

Emanuele Rampazzo began his career in Padua, his city of origin, playing in Serie B with Kioene. In the 2022/23 season he wore the Casarano shirt in Serie A3, and then remained in Puglia and moved to Castellana Grotte, where he has already had the opportunity to savor the climate and atmosphere of that Serie A2 which he will find again at the Pala Santa Maria with the shirt of ‘ABBA.

The first words of Emanuele Rampazzo in blue and white: “I’m really excited by this new adventure in Pineto. I really want to work and demonstrate my potential on the field right away and I believe that Pineto is the perfect environment to do so. I can’t wait to meet my teammates and staff and to see the Pala Santa Maria packed.”