The setter will be Simone Prada.

Born in 2006, one of the young Diavoli Rosa schools, three times Italian Champion in the rosanero jersey, in the under 15s in the 2020/21 season and for two consecutive seasons, 2021/22 and 2022/23, in the under 17s, also boasting the title as the best setter in Italy in the category, and a promotion to Serie B passed through his hands last season as setter and captain.

This is the calling card of Simone Prada who, after last season learning as a deputy, is now ready to take on, despite his 18 years of age, the direction of the first team of the Pink Devils in the 2024 Credem Banca Serie A3 championship/ 25.

Prada enjoys the full trust of the technical and managerial staff of the Brughero club, a trust that he has earned on the field, from under 14 to today, thanks to his desire to work, to get involved, always showing a collaborative spirit and the right amount of ambition, which has never limited him in making himself available to his teammates; a silent but concrete leader who has always stood out for his seriousness, reliability and maturity.

A guarantee of an “athlete” that we can’t wait to flourish even in the competitive and complicated world of Serie A where he will have to manage his team and compete with a “world of experts”.

However, the Pink Devils have no doubts and promote Simone Prada with full marks as director of the A3 Series.

Coach Danilo Durand on Prada: “Simone is another athlete from our youth sector, who already arrived in the first team last championship, boasts three championships and several podiums as well as the title of best setter in Italy Under 17. He has technical qualities and above all very important tactics, on the field he is certainly much more mature than his identity card says. We are sure he will be able to best manage our Serie A, continuing the path of personal growth at the highest level.”

Simone’s statements in this new role: “I received the news of the call with great enthusiasm. Covering the role of starting setter is a great responsibility but also a goal at the end of the long youth journey undertaken here at the Devils. Last season helped me settle into the Serie A dimension and now I feel ready to put into practice what I learned over the past year. Our roster is very young and therefore we will have great opportunities to grow, supported by an experienced and competent staff, who will be able to lead us to achieve great goals in the championship.