First training sessions with his new team for Willy Padura Diaz, the new opposite of Avimecc Volley Modica who arrived in the County city on Tuesday and immediately made himself available to coach Enzo Distefano and his staff to make up for the time lost during the summer .

The Italian-Cuban athlete, however, will have time to find his best form because, as required by the regulations, having arrived in the shadow of the Castello dei Conti after the closing of the volleyball market, he will have to miss the first three days of the championship. Padura Diaz, therefore, will only be able to make his debut with the “Galletti” on November 2nd in the home match against Ortona.

“The first impressions upon my arrival in Modica – declares Willy Padura Diaz – were very positive. My teammates, the management and all the staff welcomed me very warmly. I’ve been here for three days and all the people I’ve met have shown me a lot of affection and I’m very happy about this. I came to Modica to play a high-level championship and personally I expect to do great things and for this reason, I immediately made myself available to the entire team and the technical staff. The A3 series championship continues to raise its level again this year since the number of teams has decreased. I – he continues – also have my personal objectives which coincide with the team’s expectations, let’s see if I can reach them or even exceed them, but I am here with a lot of enthusiasm, with a lot of desire and above all with a lot of hunger. I tell my new fans that this year they will have fun as they already have, because the team has already done well in the past.