Another reconfirmation at Avimecc Volley Modica. The blue and white management, in fact, has put pen to paper with Vincenzo Nastasi.

The 1995 class is an important element for the Modica team which combines technical qualities with considerable human qualities and in the locker room he is an important element and a point of reference for the younger players.

“Vincenzo Nastasi – declare the managers of Avimecc Modica – is now one of our strong points on which we will also focus for the next season and we are happy that he has decided to continue to be part of our project. His stay in Modica, beyond his technical skills, was born from a relationship that has become increasingly consolidated in recent years. Next season – they conclude – will be a difficult season with many newly promoted teams, but they are preparing themselves well to perform well in Serie A3 and Nastasi’s experience in this sense will be useful to everyone”.

With the reconfirmation of Vincenzo Nastasi, therefore, what will have to be the “hard core” of the blue and white board begins to take shape.

“I have been in Modica for five years – comments Vincenzo Nastasi – and I am very happy to stay for the sixth A3 championship. For me it’s an honor, but also a burden because it’s not easy to stay at good levels over the years trying to maintain the best possible quality on the pitch, especially if you stay in the same team for so long. This – continues the Volley Modica libero – does not imply the fact that I do not have new personal and team objectives, on the contrary, continuing to be part of the Volley Modica project stimulates me to have the personal objective of always doing better from year to year both as an athlete, and as a person within the locker room. Just like the previous ones, the next one will also be a tough championship, even if in our group compared to the last championship there will be many newly promoted teams. The market, in fact, is demonstrating that these teams are preparing themselves very well to try to aim high. I hope that – concludes Vincenzo Nastasi – that Avimecc Volley Modica can return to the group of teams that will fight for the first places and can confirm itself as a solid team that wants to raise the bar of results and perhaps improve the position in the standings obtained last year. year to play better in the playoffs, perhaps having less bad luck than we had this year.”