It is an important piece in the organizational gear of the Serie A2 Tinet Prata. We are talking about Team Manager Vigilio Padoin who this year too is ready to go out of his way, together with the indispensable assistance of Nicoletta, to best accommodate the daily needs of the boys of the A2 Tinet Series.

In addition to this, he is responsible for the logistical organization of the trips. “Continuing to work for our Serie A – comments Padoin – makes me happy and I try to carry out the task as best I can, thanks also to the coordination with the General Manager Dario Sanna and the Sports Director Luciano Sturam. Together we are now a broken-in machine. I can’t wait for the season to start again to embrace the kids who will return to PalaPrata and to welcome the new arrivals who, I’m sure, will integrate well and give us great satisfaction”