Uros Kovacevic, Serbian spiker from Kraljevo, will wear the Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza shirt next season. The agreement was reached within a few days to the satisfaction of both parties. Born in 1993, 198 centimeters tall, in the last season Uros Kovacevic played in Russia defending the colors of Ural Ufa. He returns to play in the Italian championship after four seasons played in China, Poland and Russia.

Uros Kovacevic played eight seasons in the Italian top flight for 226 matches played of which 141 won: 46 times he was elected MVP, 2629 points scored of which 2260 in attack, 154 aces and 215 blocks. In the last season he was a protagonist in Russia after two seasons spent in Poland and one in China, the last Italian team he played for was Itas Trentino.

In Italy Uros Kovacevic has won an Italian Cup, a Challenge Cup, a Cev Cup and a World Club Championship. He plays for the Serbian national team with which he is preparing the VNL and with which he has won two European championships and a World League. He was also one of the pillars of the youth teams of the Serbian national team.

“I am very happy – underlined Uros Kovacevic – to be able to return to play in Italy. And even happier to come to Gas Sales Bluenergy, a huge company that in just a few years has made itself known and established itself not only in Italy. When the call from Piacenza came it didn’t take me long to say yes, I know the Italian championship and I know how difficult but also how beautiful it is to be able to play in it. I have arrived in a strong team that will be able to have its say, my commitment will be maximum so that the club’s objectives can be achieved, I can’t wait to start this new adventure of mine and get to know the Piacenza public.”

“He is a player strongly wanted by us – underlined coach Andrea Anastasi – because he is a very talented boy, who has reached a level of maturity and experience that will certainly be able to help our team remain at the top of the table. I’m happy that he’s with us next season, we’re all very confident that he can give us a hand also with his characterful approach which until now has never been lacking wherever he’s played.”

Uros Kovacevic

Nato a Kraljevo (Serbia)

Il 6 maggio 1993

Ruolo schiacciatore

Nazionalità sportiva Serbia

Altezza 198 cm


2003-2010 Ok Ribnica Kraljevo Giov.

2010-2013 ACH Volley Slovenia

Dic. 2012   Casa Modena SuperLega

2012-2014 Casa Modena SuperLega

2014-2015 Parmareggio Modena SuperLega

2015-2016 Calzedonia Verona SuperLega

Mag. 2016 Al Arabi Qatar

2016-2017 Calzedonia Verona SuperLega

2017-2018 Diatec Trentino SuperLega

2018-2020 Itas Trentino SuperLega

2020-2021 Beijing Cina

2021-2023 Warta Zawiercie Polonia

2023-2024 Ural Ufa Russia


2011 e 2012 Campionato Sloveno

2011 e 2012 Coppa Slovenia

2011 Campionato Europeo

2011 Mevza Cup

2015 Coppa Italia

2016 Challenge Cup

2016 World League

2018 Campionato Mondiale per Club

2018 Migliore Schiacciatore Mondiale per Club

2019 Campionato Europeo

2019 Migliore giocatore Europeo 2019

2019 Coppa Cev

2019 Migliore giocatore Cev Cup

2019 Migliore giocatore serbo

2021 Campionato Cinese

In Nazionale

Medaglia d’Oro World League 2016

Medaglia d’Oro Europei 2011 e 2019

Medaglia d’Oro Mondiali U19 2009

Medaglia d’Oro Europei U19 2011

Medaglia d’Oro Mondiali U19 2011

Medaglia di Argento World League 2015

Medaglia di Argento Europei U19 2009

Medaglia di Argento Mondiali U23 2013

Medaglia di Bronzo Europei 2017

Medaglia di Bronzo Europei U20 2010

Medaglia di Bronzo Mondiali U21 2011