He was the youngest on the team, but when called upon he always responded excellently. For this reason, both the Sanna-Sturam management tandem and the Gialloblù technical staff had no hesitations and proposed the renewal of Ranieri Truocchio’s contract.
The Tuscan spiker, born in 2004, will therefore be an important arrow in Coach Mario Di Pietro’s bow in the next sporting year.

“My first year in Prata was exciting – says the yellow-blue spiker – in many respects. I found a team of serious and technically trained people, always friendly and helpful. People who believed in me from day one and who gave me the opportunity to enter the field to demonstrate my value. What pushed me to stay in this club was the mutual respect between me and the club and the desire on the part of both to grow together.”

What do you carry in your luggage after the first year of A2 in the Tinet shirt?

“After the first year of A2, thanks to the coaches and the staff, I had the opportunity to grow both from a technical and personal point of view, also acquiring more confidence in myself”

Have you already heard Coach Di Pietro? What impression did it make on you and what do you think your path will be in the next sports season?

“Yes, I have already spoken with Coach Di Pietro and I had an excellent impression. I immediately felt welcomed and accepted by the new staff and I am convinced that together we can do great things. For my part, I will do my best to achieve the goals I have set myself and to help the team.”