The large central atrium of “La Cittadella” of the Poli Group in via del Brennero in Trento, where the new yellow-blue headquarters have also been located since last July, hosted the official cutting of the ribbon for the 2024/25 Trentino Volley season.
The large spaces inaugurated just twelve months earlier by the historic Gialloblù sponsor were the best possible background to present to fans, sponsors, authorities and the media the two leading teams of the Club, soon to be at the starting line respectively of the men’s Super League and the Women’s A2 series. The event allowed the over four hundred people who attended to meet one by one all the members of the new rosters and celebrate the long partnership with the Poli Group which on this occasion celebrated ten years of “ownership” of the libero shirt.
“This structure was designed not only to host our main supermarket in the city, but also to be at the service of the community – explained Marcello Poli, CEO of Gruppo Poli -; in addition to the commercial activities, there is a playground, offices, a gym and, last but not least, the new headquarters of Trentino Volley. One year after the inauguration, we can say that the social function we set ourselves in building here has been achieved. Trentino Volley is an integral part of “La Cittadella” and in the tenth year of sponsorship of the libero shirt it is particularly nice to be able to host the official vernissage of the men’s and women’s teams”.