The countdown has ended for the 2024 edition, the seventeenth ever, of the Trentino Volley BIG Camp. On Sunday 16 June, on Monte Bondone in Trento, the first of the seven weekly shifts scheduled in rapid sequence for the traditional summer event of the yellow-blue Club dedicated to Beach, Indoor and Green Volleyball (hence the acronym B.I.G) and organized thanks to the collaboration of the Municipality of Trento.
The yellow-blue summer camp, which will last until August 3rd and will span forty-two days of activities, has now become a pleasant habit for the Via Trener club, but also for the participants and their families. As per tradition, it is dedicated to boys and girls aged between 10 and 17, who want to spend their holidays immersed in nature. The attention to every single detail and the attention to detail and everyone’s well-being have always been distinctive features of the initiative, which justify the great appeal that it can historically boast.
Even before cutting the inaugural ribbon, BIG Camp 2024 will go down in history as the one that recorded the highest number of registrations ever: a total of 1,316 (238 more than 2023); Precisely for this reason, compared to the recent past, Trentino Volley has decided to organize an extra shift (seven instead of the traditional six) and to bring forward the start of the initiative by two weeks, which usually began in the last weekend of June. The total figure could grow further, taking into account that in the second week of activities (scheduled between 23 and 29 June) there are still around twenty places available. The peak will be recorded in periods number 3 (30 June-6 July), 4 (7-13 July), 6 (21-27 July) and 7 (28 July-3 August) with over 210 participants. The event attracts young people from all over Italy (Lombardy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Umbria, Sardinia and Veneto are the regions that bring the greatest number of participants to Bondone), but is also very popular abroad, as demonstrated by the requests received from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Estonia, Germany, England, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Portugal, Czech Republic, Spain, United States, Switzerland.
The arrival of the children at the Chalet Caminetto and the Chalet Dolomiti, the hotels that will host the camp participants and which will act as the headquarters of the project, is scheduled to start from 3pm on Sunday; the structures that from the following day will become the center of the BIG Camp activity will be the beach volleyball courts, the putting greens and the regulation 9×9 ones built immediately below the Hotel Montana.