Eve of the recovery of the 15th day of the A2 Credem Banca men’s volleyball national championship for Bcc Tecbus Castellana Grotte. The match against Pool Libertas Cantù will be played tomorrow, Wednesday 24 January 2024, with first serve at 6pm, at the Pala Francescucci in Casnate with Bernate, initially scheduled for the first days of the new year and then subsequently postponed due to commitments international competitions of some athletes from the Lombard team. Opposite them will be Cantù, currently ninth with 19 points) and Castellana Grotte, last with 10 points, in a match that can only mean redemption for one of the two teams.

For the team coached by Simone Cruciani, Cantù’s is a real extra ball, an additional opportunity in the race for salvation, with a high difficulty coefficient, but which can allow New Mater Volley (10 points in 16 games) to close on the third to last of the class, Pineto (15 points in 17 games). The direct clash at Pala Grotte last Sunday won by the Abruzzo team at the tie break complicated the plans to stay with Bcc Tecbus Castellana Grotte, but left several points for reflection open. Certainly, the calendar (with the two away games in Cantù and Grottazzolina) does not facilitate the Apulian comeback, but neither does it preclude their hopes.

“With Pineto we lost in the fifth set, leaving a further point on the way – commented Michele Miccolis, president of the yellow-blue association – but it also showed us a team that wanted to fight until the end and was about to make an important comeback. The spirit that must guide us in these last ten matches must be the same that we saw in the third and fourth sets of last Sunday’s match. As a club we are doing our best to try to fill the gap and, I must say, the team is also working with great commitment. We would have liked a greater presence of the public in these moments. It’s easy to be close to the club when you win and get results, but it’s more important to be there when there’s a greater need for support and warmth. We are called to a final phase of the season from inside or outside – concluded president Miccolis – but this must not discourage us in any way. If anything, it must be an inspiration to increase grit and determination, ball after ball, set after set. Only at the end will we be able to draw conclusions.”

Neither team has ever won in 2024: both teams have suffered two defeats (only Castellana gained a point with Pineto