Second season in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship with the ErmGroup San Giustino shirt after his debut in the category. Even the setter Tommaso Troiani, born in 1995 and 178 centimeters tall, has been confirmed in the biancazzurra house and will therefore remain the direct colleague of Jacopo Biffi, to whom he has given some breaks in the control room during the year, even if the athlete from Terni was used more than ever in batting by coach Marco Bartolini. In the home match against Smartsystem Fano, Troiani scored his first point in A3 from the nine meters, then three more arrived: a second also on serve, one in attack and one on block, for a total of 4 different ones. “I am happy to be able to stay another year at San Giustino – declares the renamed “Tommy” – because this is the sign of the trust that the management has in me and which I have always felt. The impact with the new reality of A3 resulted in a wonderful experience for me and now they wanted me again; Furthermore, I was able to combine my activity as a player with that of a minivolley coach, also in San Giustino, and with the profession of physical education teacher. On the first team bench I always made myself ready, trying to give my best every time I entered the pitch. And the field, in sport, is the sovereign of the situation.” Will it be a fun ErmGroup, the one now close to completion? “I repeat the concept: in this case too it will be the field that will establish it. The team has been partially renewed, with the addition of younger forces. Who knows!”, he concludes. And the orientations regarding the player were very clear, as demonstrated by sporting director Valdemaro Gustinelli: “Troiani was the first athlete to be informed of the desire on the part of the club and the technical staff to confirm his performances also for the 2024 season/ ’25. This demonstrates the quality of the work done by the boy in the past season. It’s been a long time since I saw an athlete train and play with a “smile” on his lips like Tommy, who spent a few months taking the entire reserve group on his shoulders, but then, from December onwards, his attitude contributed to create a climate of healthy “battle” during 6-on-6 training, bringing the whole group to a high level of competition and allowing the starters to always arrive at the match well-established.