If Catania with Staforini (announced yesterday) will constitute one of the strongest young libero pairs in the world, the ideal diagonal between opposites of Allianz Milano in the 2024-25 season even makes you dream. The award-winning company Fusaro-Lini-Piazza has in fact secured the jewel in Azzurro Tommaso Barotto. Standing at 212 centimetres, the 18-year-old (he will turn 19 on 24 August) born in Rovigo, but exploded in volleyball under the wing of Danilo Durand among the Pink Devils of Brugherio, with a final season in Porto Viro in A2 , will form together with the revelation of the latest Super League, Ferre Reggers (born in 2003), a pair of opposites with immense value and potential.